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Unlock Your Health WIth MH's Hormone Specialist Protocols

Comprehensive and Personalised Hormone Balancing For Enhanced Wellbeing And Vitality.

Break The Frustration

Revitalise Your Life with Perth's Premier Female Hormone Specialist

Are you often dealing with unexplained weight gain, mood swings, or fatigue? These are not just random occurrences. They could be symptoms of hormonal imbalance, a condition that can disrupt your daily life and leave you feeling out of sync.

The challenge with hormonal imbalances is their broad range of symptoms, often leading to them being undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. This leaves many women struggling with their conditions in silence, affecting their quality of life, relationships, and career progression.

At MH Performance Coaching, we offer a ray of hope. Our dedicated team of female hormone specialists in Perth provides comprehensive testing and personalised treatment plans. Our goal is to alleviate symptoms and help you regain control, achieve hormonal balance, and rediscover the joy of living a healthy, vibrant life.

Self-Paced Programs

Experience the MH Advantage

Working with an MH Hormone Specialist can revolutionise your health journey. Our experts understand the intricate dance of hormones within the human body, and we’re committed to helping you regain optimal health. We offer comprehensive hormone testing and personalised treatment plans to help you navigate the complexity of hormonal imbalances. With our support, you can achieve a healthier, more fulfilling life.

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Comprehensive Testing

Complete hormone assessment for accurate diagnosis.

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Personalised Plans

Treatment tailored to your unique hormonal needs.

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Empowering Guidance

Support and education to manage hormonal health effectively.

What our clients say about our hormone specialist support


I honestly couldn't recommend MHP more

Signing up to MH performance was undoubtedly the best decision I made for myself. I struggled with an eating disorder and losing my period as a result of it, but Naomi helped me get back on track and get my period back. Since then I have achieved so much both mentally and physically. I’m eating more and lifting more while staying lean and strong. I honestly couldn’t recommend MHP more, they’re like family now!
Amber Lloyd

I have honestly seen amazing results

Highly recommend Mandy & the team at MH performance. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. Mandy has made me feel so comfortable and confident in weight training. I have honestly seen amazing results with building muscle and learnt so much about my hormones and relationship with food / calories since starting with her over a year ago. Thank you so much 🙂
Gabi Sullivan

Experience Holistic Wellness with Our Specialist Hormone Services

At MH Performance Coaching, we understand that hormonal imbalances can disrupt your life. Our holistic approach to wellness goes beyond traditional methods, focusing on the root cause of your symptoms. We provide comprehensive services that restore balance and enhance your overall health.

Comprehensive Testing

Our team conducts comprehensive hormone testing, helping us identify any imbalances affecting your well-being. This thorough approach allows us to create a more accurate and effective treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Personalised Treatment Plans

Every individual is unique, and so are their hormonal needs. That’s why we offer personalised treatment plans to address your specific hormonal imbalances and help restore your body’s natural rhythm.

Holistic Approach

We believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. Our holistic approach considers all aspects of your life, including diet, exercise, stress levels, and lifestyle, offering a well-rounded path to wellness.

Educational Support

Knowledge is power. We provide educational support to help you understand your hormonal health better. Our team guides you through every step of your journey, empowering you to take control of your health.

Ongoing Monitoring

Restoring hormonal balance is not a one-time event. We offer ongoing monitoring to ensure your treatment plan continues to meet your needs and adjust it as necessary for optimal results.

How our Hormone Balancing Coaching Works


FAQs about our hormone specialist services

What does a Hormone Specialist do at MH?

At MH, a hormone specialist takes a holistic approach to assess, diagnose, and treat hormonal imbalances. They utilise comprehensive testing and personalised treatment plans to address your unique hormonal needs and guide you towards improved overall health.

What services does MH offer?

MH offers comprehensive hormone testing, personalised treatment plans, educational support, and ongoing monitoring. Our services are tailored to help you achieve hormonal balance and improve overall health.

How does MH's holistic approach work?

Our holistic approach involves treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. We consider all aspects of your life, including diet, exercise, stress levels, and lifestyle, to provide a well-rounded route to wellness.

Can MH replace my current medical care?

While our experts specialise in hormonal health, they are not doctors. Our services are intended to complement, not replace, traditional medical care. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your health regimen.

How does the initial consultation work?

During the initial consultation, we assess your current hormonal health. This comprehensive evaluation lets us understand your unique hormonal profile, balancing objectives, and daily routines.

What does the hormone balance questionnaire involve?

The hormone balance questionnaire explores factors relevant to your hormonal health journey. It helps us identify elements affecting your progress towards improved hormonal balance.

What does a personalised treatment plan include?

A personalised treatment plan includes a tailored wellness plan, an exercise regimen suitable for your hormonal needs, a supplementation guide, and recommendations for stress management and self-care techniques.

How does MH ensure compliance with the hormone-balancing advice?

We ask you to periodically complete a check-in form, log your meals and exercises in an app, and maintain regular contact with our coaches. This ensures adherence and effective implementation of our advice.

What happens in the optimisation phase?

In the optimisation phase, you’ll continue working closely with our coaches to fine-tune your hormone-balancing plan. This includes ongoing progress evaluations and continuous adjustments to the program.

Is achieving hormonal balance a one-time event?

Achieving hormonal balance is an ongoing process. We provide continuous monitoring to ensure your treatment plan remains effective and make necessary adjustments for optimal results.

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MHP specialises in bringing the best in health, wellness, performance, and body composition to female athletes, combat sports athletes, and those wanting to achieve a higher standard of living.