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Your Premier Gut Health Specialist for a Thriving Life

Overcome Gut Issues And Experience Unmatched Energy, Digestive Wellness, and Peak Performance with MH Performance Coaching.

Break The Frustration

Conquer Gut Health Challenges and Unlock Your Full Potential with MH Performance Coaching

Many individuals struggle with poor gut health, bloating, and low energy due to an unbalanced gut. These issues can impact overall well-being, making it difficult to enjoy life. Finding the right guidance to address these concerns can be overwhelming.

If left unaddressed, gut health issues can lead to complications such as chronic fatigue, a weakened immune system, and mental health concerns. These symptoms can strain relationships and hinder daily performance, emphasizing the need for timely resolution of gut health problems.

MH Performance Coaching offers a personalised approach to gut health, providing expert guidance and strategies to restore balance and optimise wellness. As experienced Gut Health Specialists, we empower clients with knowledge and tools to overcome challenges and achieve peak performance. Take control of your well-being with MH Performance Coaching today.

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Experience Life-Changing Benefits with MH's Gut Health Specialist Programs

Embark on a transformative journey towards optimal gut health and overall wellness with the expert guidance of an MH Gut Health Specialist. Unlock your full potential and experience the incredible benefits of a balanced gut.
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Improved Digestion

Experience relief from bloating, discomfort, and irregularities in digestive function.

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Enhanced Energy

Boost energy levels and combat fatigue by addressing underlying gut imbalances.

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Stronger Immunity

Fortify your immune system by promoting a healthy gut environment.

Here are some of our gut health success stories


I feel so much better already and am so looking forward to only getting better from here!

I can’t recommend Mandy or her team enough. After years of suffering with stomach/digestive issues, seeing multiple doctors who all didn’t believe me that something was wrong I am so grateful I found Mandy. After 6 months I feel so much better already and am so looking forward to only getting better from here!
Gemma Skillen

I am SO grateful for Mandy and can’t wait to keep working with her!

I’m doing the 6 month coaching program with Mandy and am currently on week 7. I have had massive improvements in my bloating, energy levels, skin, inflammation & brain fog. These are all health issues that I have struggled with for years, and had not found anything that could help. I came to Mandy purely for my health and said that if my body looks better along the way then that is a bonus. To say that I look the best I’ve ever looked is an understatement and what’s insane is that I am eating more than I’ve eaten in my life!! This program is truely life changing and I can’t wait to see how I feel in 6 months, considering the massive difference only 7 weeks has made. Mandy is such a supportive coach/mentor and the online learning videos that the MH program provide are also invaluable. I am SO grateful for Mandy and can’t wait to keep working with her!
Tanika Robb

Unveiling the Top Features of Our Exceptional Gut Health Program

Experience the life-changing benefits of our comprehensive and personalised Gut Health Program, designed to help you achieve optimal gut health and overall wellness. We take pride in offering a program that focuses on the most crucial aspects of gut health and delivers lasting results. Explore the top five features that set our program apart from the rest.

Customised Plans

Our program starts with an in-depth gut health assessment, considering your unique symptoms, dietary habits, and lifestyle. This allows us to develop a customised plan tailored to your needs, ensuring the most effective results.

Expert Support

Our Gut Health Specialists have extensive knowledge and experience in the field, providing expert guidance throughout the program. They will address your concerns, answer your questions, and help you achieve your health and wellness goals.

Nutritional Guidance

A well-balanced diet is essential for maintaining optimal gut health. Our program includes comprehensive nutritional guidance, recommending foods that promote a healthy gut environment. Additionally, we provide advice on avoiding potential triggers and incorporating beneficial supplements.

Lifestyle Strategies

We recognise that factors such as stress, sleep, and exercise also impact gut health. Our program offers practical strategies for optimising your lifestyle, helping you create lasting habits that contribute to overall well-being and support a healthy gut.

Continued Assistance

Maintaining gut health is an ongoing process. That’s why our program provides continued assistance even after completion. We equip you with the tools and resources necessary to sustain your improved gut health and enjoy the lasting benefits of a balanced gut.

Achieve Optimal Gut Health with Our Comprehensive 5-Step Support Program.

Embark on a transformative journey towards improved gut health and overall wellness through our five-step support program. Our Gut Health Specialists will guide you through each stage, ensuring a personalised and effective approach to achieving a healthy and balanced gut.

Our initial individual consultation focuses on evaluating your current gut health status. We conduct a comprehensive assessment and take the time to understand your unique situation, health concerns, and goals related to digestion, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Following the analysis, we administer a customised assessment questionnaire and discuss any relevant medical tests you have undergone. We may also recommend specific blood tests to investigate your gut health and isolate digestive issues thoroughly. This process aims to identify factors affecting your journey towards optimal gut health.

After testing, we develop a personalised gut health plan that considers any challenges identified during the assessment. Your plan includes a tailored diet, recommendations for physical activity suitable for your condition, and guidance on stress reduction and self-care techniques to support gut health.

To ensure accountability and the implementation of our gut health advice, you must submit periodic check-in forms, log your food intake and exercise in an app, and maintain regular communication with our Gut Health Specialists.

Finally, you’ll continue working with our Gut Health Specialists to optimise your digestive health and ensure you hit your health goals. This step involves ongoing assessments of your progress and continuous fine-tuning of your program to improve outcomes and enhance well-being consistently.

Our initial individual consultation focuses on evaluating your current gut health status. We conduct a comprehensive assessment and take the time to understand your unique situation, health concerns, and goals related to digestion, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Following the analysis, we administer a customised assessment questionnaire and discuss any relevant medical tests you have undergone. We may also recommend specific blood tests to investigate your gut health and isolate digestive issues thoroughly. This process aims to identify factors affecting your journey towards optimal gut health.

After testing, we develop a personalised gut health plan that considers any challenges identified during the assessment. Your plan includes a tailored diet, recommendations for physical activity suitable for your condition, and guidance on stress reduction and self-care techniques to support gut health.

To ensure accountability and the implementation of our gut health advice, you must submit periodic check-in forms, log your food intake and exercise in an app, and maintain regular communication with our Gut Health Specialists.

Finally, you’ll continue working with our Gut Health Specialists to optimise your digestive health and ensure you hit your health goals. This step involves ongoing assessments of your progress and continuous fine-tuning of your program to improve outcomes and enhance well-being consistently.


Embrace a personalised approach to managing Gut Health with our expert guidance and comprehensive solutions.


FAQs About Gut Health

What is gut health?

Gut health refers to the balance and function of the microorganisms within your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. A healthy gut contributes to efficient digestion, a strong immune system, and overall well-being. Maintaining gut health involves fostering a diverse and balanced gut microbiome through diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices while preventing bacterial overgrowth and addressing digestive conditions such as Coeliac Disease.

Why is gut health important?

Gut health is crucial because it affects digestion, nutrient absorption, immune system function, and mental health. An unhealthy gut can lead to issues such as abdominal pain, food intolerances, and allergies, impacting your overall quality of life. Additionally, poor gut health can contribute to the development of certain health conditions.

How does diet affect gut health?

Diet plays a significant role in gut health, as certain foods can promote or disrupt the balance of gut bacteria. Consuming fibre-rich, whole foods and fermented foods can support a healthy gut environment, while processed foods, refined sugars, and excessive alcohol intake can negatively impact gut health, potentially causing bacterial overgrowth and aggravating digestive symptoms.

How can I improve my gut health?

Improving gut health involves consuming a balanced diet of fibre, prebiotics, and probiotics, staying hydrated, managing stress, getting adequate sleep, and engaging in regular exercise. Additionally, working with a Gut Health Specialist can provide personalised guidance and support, considering your medical history and adopting a holistic approach to address your unique needs.

What are the signs of an unhealthy gut?

An unhealthy gut may manifest as bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, heartburn, excessive gas, bad breath, fatigue, food sensitivities, skin problems, or mood swings. If you experience these symptoms frequently, it’s essential to consult a Gut Health Specialist for assessment and guidance to improve your quality of life.

Can gut health affect mental health?

Yes, gut health can impact mental health due to the gut-brain axis, a communication pathway between the GI tract and the brain. An unhealthy gut may contribute to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression, highlighting the importance of maintaining gut health for overall well-being and addressing any underlying digestive conditions.

Are probiotics helpful for gut health?

Probiotics, beneficial live bacteria and yeasts, can support gut health by promoting a balanced gut microbiome and preventing bacterial overgrowth. They can be found in fermented foods like yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi or taken as supplements under the guidance of a Gut Health Specialist.

How long does it take to improve gut health?

The time required to improve gut health varies from person to person, depending on factors like diet, lifestyle, and the severity of existing gut issues, such as food intolerances or allergies. Generally, noticeable improvements can be observed within a few weeks to a few months with consistent dietary and lifestyle changes.

Can exercise impact gut health?

Yes, exercise can positively affect gut health by promoting gut motility, reducing inflammation, and supporting a diverse gut microbiome. Regular physical activity can help maintain gut health and improve overall well-being, especially for those with digestive conditions.

Should I consult a Gut Health Specialist?

Consulting a Gut Health Specialist is recommended if you experience persistent gut-related symptoms, have a history of food allergies or intolerances, or want to optimise your gut health through personalised guidance. A specialist can assess your unique situation, provide tailored recommendations, and offer ongoing support to help you achieve your gut health goals and improve your quality of life.

We are here to support you.

Have questions? Please fill in the form below, and one of our team members will contact you.

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MHP specialises in bringing the best in health, wellness, performance, and body composition to female athletes, combat sports athletes, and those wanting to achieve a higher standard of living.